Monday, August 10, 2015

It's worth it!

On Aug. 7 a new reviewer posted the following review of my book, Biblical Eschatology, on Amazon under the title, "You may not think it is worth it, but it is!"

"I checked this book out of our church library. It is the best thing I have seen on Eschatology. A detailed presentation and discussion of the major views within Evangelicalism is accompanied by convincing arguments for an Amillennial perspective. A great survey of the Book of Revelation is included along with important appendices that exegete the major texts of Scripture often marshalled in support of premillennial views. If you are of the premillennial persuasion, you owe it to yourself to read this book. Menn's work cannot be ignored!

My only regret is that I have yet to get my personal copy so I can re-read with highlighters in hand. I suppose the publisher, Wipf and Stock, is partly responsible for the price being over $50. But I encourage you to eat out one less time this month and put the $$ toward getting this book. I am. You won't regret it."

Thank you, Jimbo, for this review. You can find this and all other Amazon reviews here:

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