Thursday, December 31, 2015

A nice commendation

I just received an email from a missionary teacher who works in West Africa. Here is what he said:

"I am reading through your MINTS course on Expository Preaching.  I have read through the first two lessons. You are to be commended on a job well done so far.  I look forward to reading the rest of the course. I am planning to use your course in Ghana the end of Jan and beginning of Feb. Keep up the good work."

The Expository Preaching course book is on the "ECLEA Courses" page of the ECLEA website ( It may be downloaded and used for free.

Additionally, I preach on a fairly regular basis at Community Church, Appleton, WI. I post both the audio and written sermons on the "Sermons" page of the ECLEA website ( in order to bot illustrate thee principles I discuss in Expository Preaching and to expound a variety of biblical passages. Those sermons also may be downloaded for free. Enjoy! (And have a joyous New Year.)

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