Philemon Eseka and his wife
Tanga Organizing Committee
Wilbert Seme and his son
The last month since I've been home has flown by. I've made a decent start on a new course on Biblical Theology, and have been working closely with Arican leaders via email. In 2 days I will be leaving for a month in Tanzania and Kenya. I will be 3+ weeks in Tanzania--beginning with conferences in Babati and Moshi, TZ (northern TZ, due south of Nairobi), then a week in Tanga, TZ on the east coast for TOT and a conference, then to the island of Zanzibar for 2 conferences, and will finish in Kifili, KE, which is on the east coast, north of Mombasa. Above are pictures of Wilbert Seme, who is organizing most matters in TZ, the Organizing Committee in Tanga, and Philemon Eseka, who will be my host in Zanzibar.
My friends Jason Nate and John Setser will be joining me for the conferences in Babati and Moshi. Please keep us in your prayers, that the logistics would work out and that the many pastors and church leaders we will be working with will be equipped so that their ministries and churches will be strengthened and grow deeper in faithfulness to the Lord and fidelity to his word.