Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A sight you won't see in the USA

I have been in East Africa since the last part of October and just returned. While there I was not able to update this blog.

While I was in Arusha, Tanzania, we got behind a taxi (or matatu as they are called), a 14- or 17-passenger Toyota van. Look at the picture on the rear window. We would not see that in the US, but Islam is a growing force around the world, including in East Africa. The more power it gets, the more intolerant and violent it also becomes (that has been true since its founding in the early 7th century).

I hope that what we are doing with ECLEA can help to diffuse the violence and lead to greater reconciliation (one of ECLEA's courses is Forgiveness & Reconciliation) and better lives for all.

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