Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jonathan leaving for TZ and KE on June 7 + ECLEA updates

 JMM and Maasai leader Boniface Kugotha
Boniface Kugotha, whose picture is above, is the Maasai leader I met at the Biblical Stewardship TOT in Nairobi whom I mentioned in my first report from Kenya. I thought you might like to see him.

Upcoming trip to TZ and the coast of KE
The time has been blasting by, and I have been very busy, since I returned from Kenya on May 5. I leave again on June 7, less than 1 1/2 weeks away. I will be spending 2 1/2 weeks in Tanzania and will finish in the Mombasa area of Kenya. While in TZ, in addition to our teaching, I will be having two meetings with important bishops from different churches and places in TZ. These meetings could prove to be very important in opening many doors to working with different churches in TZ. Please pray for this. I am scheduled to get back to Appleton on the afternoon of July 4, after a short visit with our son David in Arizona.

ECLEA websiteThe ECLEA website (www.eclea.net) is now up and running, although it is still under construction. New material in the process of being added. In that regard, I have revised most of my teaching books and given them the new ECLEA logo. They will be uploaded to the website soon. Check it out.

My blog: updatesThis blog is located at: http://jonathanandnancymenn.blogspot.com/. There is a link you can click under my name and picture on the ECLEA website to access it, or you can bookmark it. I always post reports of my teaching trips to East Africa on the blog along with pictures.

ECLEA's future is looking good
I am very excited for the future of ECLEA. While I was here I met with the head of Converge Great Lakes Short Term Ministry Initiative. I think (and hope) that this will pave the way to a great expansion of ECLEA's outreach and impact. Please pray about that as well.

I want to thank you all again for your prayers and financial support, without which we could not be doing what we are doing. As always, I will endeavor to send you a report from the field. God bless you, Jonathan

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